Guide To Getting a Cannabis Distribution License in California

Anyone planning to start a cannabis distribution company needs to know the ins and outs of getting a distribution license in California. It can be challenging to acquire a license in California because of the complex process with local and state governments. This guide will help you get started on the right path. What is […]
Six Federal Bills Expanding Federal Legalization Signals an Attitude Shift in Congress

Public opinion on marijuana continues to lean in favor of the substance as a useful alternative to some medical treatments. As such, states are adjusting by relaxing their cannabis restrictions. There are six federal legalization bills in 2021 leading to developments in the marijuana industry: The SAFE Banking Act Veterans Medical Marijuana Safe Harbor Act […]
Cannabis Banking Catastrophe – Two Eaze Consultants’ Convictions Have Deep Implications for the Industry

Guest Author: Alexis Lazzeri, Esq. Eaze Consultant Convictions: A “Clear Criminal Conspiracy.”1 As long as cannabis remains federally illegal, licensed cannabis businesses are forced to operate outside of the mainstream FDIC insured banking system. This delegation to the financial shadows remains a well known liability, physically and financially, for cannabis companies operating in cash and […]
Can Law Enforcement Search a Person, Place or Thing Based Solely on the Smell of Marijuana?

Ever since the passage of Proposition 64 and the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act, consumers can legally grow, possess, and use cannabis in California for non-medicinal purposes—but what does this mean for a cop’s ability to search your person, residence, or vehicle based on the odor of cannabis alone? It used to […]
Two Important Pieces of CA Legislation Explained: CDFA’s Appellations Program and BCC’s Rules for Denial of Licensure Based on Prior Convictions

In response to their statutory mandates, California cannabis regulators have worked this year on draft regulations for the cannabis appellations program and implementation of AB 2138 (Chiu) regarding the rules for denial of licensure based on prior convictions. Under SB 67, the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) must finalize their standards on the appellations of […]
US v Campbell – Ninth Circuit to Consider Whether Hashish is Marijuana

In a very interesting case, the Ninth Circuit is considering whether the criminal defendant in United States v. Campbell is exempt from federal prosecution due to compliance with Montana’s medical marijuana laws. The case further considers a unique paradox in the law whereby “hashish” is excluded from the State’s definition of “marijuana” thus precluding Mr. […]
California Flexes on Illicit Cannabis Activities, Will it Make an Impact?

As California struggles with the woes of the illicit cannabis market – we’ve all come to realize – with regulation – comes great responsibility! To address the ongoing threat to the legitimacy of the regulated cannabis market, both the public and private sectors are on the attack. California Targets Unlicensed Operators and Weedmaps It has […]