Returning Business to “Normal” – COVID-19’s Impact on Cannabis Businesses

The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic on March 11, 2020. In light of this sustained outbreak, federal, state, and local governments have placed numerous protocols in place to curtail the risks associated with the pandemic. Thankfully, Governor Newsom classified the cannabis industry within the realm of essential businesses, so there were no mandatory […]
The State of Independent Contractors after Dynamex and AB5: Where do we go from here?

Independent contractors are a beneficial tool for companies, especially new or growing organizations that are not yet equipped to manage employees. However, recent rulings and the legislature have severely restricted the ability to properly classify workers as independent contractors in California. Companies are encouraged to seek legal advice for any independent contractor relationships. Because independent […]
Newly Enacted Employment Laws Your Cannabis Business Needs to Follow

California Legislature and Governor Newsom were busy in 2019 passing many new laws directly affecting California employers and employees. Please remember, only summaries are provided herein and legal advice should be sought prior to enactment of any new employment policy. Independent Contractors Following the California Supreme Court’s 2018 decision in Dynamex Operations West v. Superior […]
Defining Moments in 2019 Cannabis and What They Mean for 2020

It has been two years since California began licensing yet operators still struggle with compliance and are all still de facto, breaking one law or another. To kick us off, hemp was legalized at the federal level, and we entered into unchartered territory, navigating uncertain waters of the newest arm of the cannabis industry with […]
Foresight in 2020: Employment Law Outlook for the Coming Year

In the countdown to the new year, it is important to evaluate your employment relationships and ensure compliance with the countless employment laws governing California businesses. Many of these laws are draconian in nature and non-compliance may lead to claims that are crippling to a company, even for the most minor of infractions. To compound […]