TOP TEN of 2021 – Cannabis Law News and Soft Predictions for 2022

2021 - 2022 Recap & Prediction

What a year! Though it wasn’t quite THE year we may have hoped for in cannabis news (hello, federal legalization?!), it’s what we got. Throughout the nation, we’ve had a wave of legislation which greatly impacted the commercial cannabis industry. This year our office wrote about the various legislative and policy changes – We break […]

California’s Three Major Cannabis Bills of 2021: AB 141, SB 160, SB 166

California Legislative Update

2021 brought major changes for California’s cannabis industry between the establishment of a new department and the enactment of important new laws and regulations. In this article, we break down the major highlights of the state’s new cannalaws: AB 141, SB 160, and SB 166. Recently, we also wrote in depth on California’s new hemp […]

Ten Things You Need to Know About AB 45: Legal CBD & Hemp in California


AB 45, which would legalize CBD in food, beverages, cosmetics, dietary supplements, and pet food, has faced serious opposition from operators in the legal cannabis market. Despite the onslaught of opposition, the bill gained enough support to be passed onto the desk of Governor Newsom and is soon to be signed into California state law. […]

New Department, New Rules: Emergency Cannabis Regulations Released for Public Comment

California Legislative Update

With any luck, by the end of this month California cannabis entrepreneurs will be working under one set of state regulations. On September 15, the public comment period opened for the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC)’s proposed emergency regulations; the public had through Monday, September 20 to submit their feedback on the proposal. The rules […]

Los Angeles Social Equity Program – Revised Eligibility & Requirements: Memo

Social Equity Eligibilty & Requirements

Los Angeles has been teasing the release of duty verification window for phase 3 retail round two for sometime now. The final details of social equity year qualification requirements have not yet been released but we have prepared a summary of the requirements. Read the full memo. The application window will open within 15 days’ […]

Last Call: Legislative Deadlines vs. Late Policy Pushes

California Legislative Update

Sacramento survived another round of suspense hearings late last week, with several bills held by the Assembly and Senate Appropriations Committees as legislators and stakeholders prepare for the last two weeks of the legislative session. With significant cannabis policy pushed through in the budget process (e.g. consolidation of regulatory agencies, trade samples, CEQA streamlining), few […]

What Are the Packaging and Labeling Requirements For Cannabis Products? A Refresher

Hemp Cannabis Packaging

Gone are the days of edibles labeled “Kap’n Kronik” and “Weedos,” or being able to purchase a single slice of cannabis infused cheesecake served in a deli container.  With the goal to both protect the public at large and the individual consumer, all licensed cannabis products in the state of California must adhere to robust, […]

CA Cannabis Business’ Guide to CEQA Compliance

Cannabis crop being harvested

Cannabis companies in California need evidence of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance to operate legally. This law ensures that every project that attempts to work within the state adheres to proper environmental standards and that its operations would have no potential adverse effects on the environment. CEQA compliance requires your cannabis business prove that […]

How to Pass a DCC Audit [For Cannabis Retailers]

How to Pass a DCC Audit

A common question we’ve been receiving is how cannabis retailers can be prepared for a compliance inspection by the Department of Cannabis Control, (“DCC”), formerly known as the Bureau of Cannabis Control. With the regulatory body shifting from BCC to DCC, the agency is also shifting from a position of license holder compliance education to […]

New State Cannabis Department Comes With New Rules. Spoiler Alert: Not Everyone Is Happy.

California Legislative Update

California has finally ridden itself of its three-headed cannabis beast and replaced its multiple regulatory authorities with the single Department of Cannabis Control (DCC). Led by the newly appointed director, Nicole Elliot – former cannabis advisor to Governor Newsom – the DCC will be responsible for state licensing and enforcement for commercial cannabis activity. One […]