California’s Three Major Cannabis Bills of 2021: AB 141, SB 160, SB 166
2021 brought major changes for California’s cannabis industry between the establishment of a new department and the enactment of important new laws
Before the regulated market, Manzuri Law stood next to its clients in the battle for legality. As policy advisors to city and state officials during the beginning of the regulatory market, Manzuri Law has been instrumental in policy influence and elevating the local, state, and national conversation. Elevate your inbox and sign up to receive our monthly newsletter.
2021 brought major changes for California’s cannabis industry between the establishment of a new department and the enactment of important new laws
Check out our top 5 most popular posts from this past month, and be sure to follow us on Instagram @420attorneys
AB 45, which would legalize CBD in food, beverages, cosmetics, dietary supplements, and pet food, has faced serious opposition from operators in
With any luck, by the end of this month California cannabis entrepreneurs will be working under one set of state regulations. On
Los Angeles has been teasing the release of duty verification window for phase 3 retail round two for sometime now. The final
Sacramento survived another round of suspense hearings late last week, with several bills held by the Assembly and Senate Appropriations Committees as
Check out our top 5 most popular posts from this past month, and be sure to follow us on Instagram @420attorneys
Gone are the days of edibles labeled “Kap’n Kronik” and “Weedos,” or being able to purchase a single slice of cannabis infused
Cannabis companies in California need evidence of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance to operate legally. This law ensures that every project
A common question we’ve been receiving is how cannabis retailers can be prepared for a compliance inspection by the Department of Cannabis
California has finally ridden itself of its three-headed cannabis beast and replaced its multiple regulatory authorities with the single Department of Cannabis
On June 22, 2021, Los Angeles City Council adopted an ordinance replete with substantive amendments to the City’s Cannabis Procedures Ordinance. Assuming
Corporate decision-making authority can be held in several ways, depending on the specific provisions of the company’s governing documents, whether that be
Although California has legalized cannabis despite federal illegality, on the issue of hemp-derived foods, current state law conforms to federal law. And
May brought a rush of activity for cannabis policy in Sacramento. The Administration published its May revision of the Governor’s Proposed Budget,
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