Maximizing Your Chances of Obtaining a California Cannabis Business Permit

Cannabis Business Permit

Having procured and maintained over 300 commercial cannabis licenses, Manzuri Law is skilled at guiding clients through the ultra-competitive commercial cannabis business license application process. The choices you make when first starting your cannabis business are incredibly important. The cannabis industry is regulated by both state and local laws, and those laws are constantly changing. […]

What Can You Do With a Cannabis Distribution License in California

Cannabis Distribution License in California

At Manzuri Law, our California cannabis attorneys have helped local businesses procure and maintain over 300 licenses over the past decade — including Type 11 licenses, also known as  cannabis distribution licenses. According to the Department of Cannabis Control, cannabis distribution licenses (both Type 11 and Type 13) allow California business operators to transport cannabis […]

Proposed Ordinance Changes from the City of Los Angeles Department of Cannabis Regulation

The City of Los Angeles Department of Cannabis Regulation (DCR) is currently working on proposed ordinance changes that will impact current and future cannabis industry professionals on multiple levels. Below is an overview of the existing ordinances, amendments, and new language being reviewed by the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC), including: Amendments to LAMC in […]

What are the Risks of Entering the California Cannabis Market in 2023?

The cannabis industry has grown exponentially  in recent years and over the past  dozen years the California cannabis attorneys at Manzuri Law have been representing commercial cannabis entrepreneurs, start-ups, existing business owners, venture capitalists, and outside investors. Irrespective of the  overall market growth, entering the California cannabis industry in 2023 still carries ongoing risks involving […]

What Does it Take to Successfully Merge Two California Cannabis Businesses?

As cannabis laws and regulations continue to evolve, and more cities and counties continue to open their proverbial doors for cannabis licensees, California cannabis businesses have a unique opportunity to prepare for potential mergers and acquisitions (M&A). M&As can be an exciting prospect for both new and veteran cannabis industry professionals throughout the state. Unfortunately, […]

What is Considered a Cannabis Licensing Violation in California?

Cannabis Licensing Violation

At Manzuri Law, our California cannabis attorneys have successfully represented many clients who have faced disciplinary actions against their cannabis operations from the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC). Our industry specialists provide the specialized legal experience and resources necessary to navigate and overcome wide-ranging licensing violations for failing to comply with “any state law,” or […]

Can I Appeal a California Cannabis License Fine, Suspension, Revocation, or Denial?

California Cannabis License

At Manzuri Law, our experienced California cannabis attorneys know that when industry professionals are presented with citations or other disciplinary notices from the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC), this  may be a sign of significant challenges to come. Unfortunately, these notices are common. The all-encompassing language of failing to comply with “any state law,” or […]